Non NHS Medical Services


GPs operate as independent professionals and as such are entitled to make a charge for work which falls outside the work which the government contracts them to do for the NHS.

In general private medicals, and a variety of paperwork including private sick notes, insurance forms etc are not paid for by the NHS, and so will carry a Doctor’s fee.

This will sometimes be reimbursed by the organisation which requested the report, and other times the patient will be liable. You will be advised of any fees incurred prior to any non NHS work being carried out.

Our current charges are set out below. The charges may be subject to change without notice, and may vary according to the amount of work involved.

Private Fees for Non NHS Services

Private GP Consultations and Home Visits

  • Private GP Consultation (15 minutes) £40.00
  • Private home visit £90.00

Certificates and forms

  • Simple letter (to whom it may concern, 1 page) £25.00
  • More than 1 x page £10.00 per subsequent page
  • Holiday Cancellation forms £40.00
  • Fitness to travel £25.00
  • Sickness or accident short certificate £25.00
  • Ofsted (Child minding) report £87.50
  • Private Prescription £16.00
  • Private sick note £16.00

Full Private examinations and report

  • Heavy Good Vehicle (HGV) and Passenger Service Vehicle (PSV) report with examination £120.00
  • Pre employment medical (investigation extra) £120.00
  • Medical Examination and report £120.00

Shotgun Report (police request)


Solicitor reports i.e. Power of Attorney


Insurance Companies

  • Targeted report £100.00
  • GPRs £35.00 per page

Adoption and Fostering

  • Child: Adoption medical £95.00
  • Child: Fostering medical £95.00


  • Non NHS vaccines (Obtained from chemist) £30.00 administration
  • (Hep B non NHS) £15.00 administration

Private Tests

  • Paternity testing (not inc kit) Blood £30.00 Swab £15.00
  • Phlebotomy £30.00 + lab price of test