Patient Participation Group

What is a Patient Participation Group?

A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is where a group of health professionals and patients can come together to address issues that effect health and health services in their local community.

Usually connected to a particular GP practice, patient forums provide a link between practice staff and their registered patients.

The agenda of any particular group will depend upon the local needs, interests and energies of the participants, but its key role is to:

  • Enable patients to have a say on how the practice operates
  • Provide feedback on new systems within the practice such as booking an appointment
  • Act as a sounding board for ideas Support the practice to provide a high quality of care and service delivery.

The Garth Surgery Patient Group

We are a small informal friendly group of Garth Surgery patients who meet on the second Tuesday each month, excluding August and December from 5.30pm for a maximum of one and a half hours.

Our main aim is to help the practice to make visiting the surgery the best possible experience for patients

We are also involved in other issues related to improving communications between the practice and its patients, helping the surgery implement policies which benefit patients and aiding the practice in practical smaller scale projects.

Any patient in this practice can join us. If you think you would like to participate, please contact Tara Rose, practice manager on 01287 632206 during office hours, complete the form below or download a form and hand it to reception.

We look forward to welcoming you.

M. Hanson, Chairman, Garth Surgery Patient Participation Group

PPG Sign up form

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?